Three Examples of funders Taking Steps to Better Support Nonprofit Workers
By Dawn Wolfe, Inside Philanthropy, July 25, 2023
Read MoreLessons from Across the Pond: How the Living Wage Foundation is Exporting its Success to the U.S.
By Dawn Wolfe, Inside Philanthropy, May 16, 2023
Read MoreWebinar: Launching the Global Living Wage Affiliate Network
April 11, 2023 – Join the Living Wage Foundation to celebrate the launch of the Global Living Wage Affiliate Network, and welcome our inaugural member Living Wage for US. Participants will hear more about the aims of the network, Accenture’s experience of being recognised as a Living Wage Employer in the UK and the US and a demonstration of the new Global Living Wage digital collaboration tool.
Demystifying the Living Wage in a High Inflation Environment
February 15, 2023 – Join us as we explore the latest release to the US living wage benchmarks and what it means in the current economic context. In collaboration with the Economic Policy Institute, we will be presenting the newest updates to our living wage certification rates and methodological improvements rolled out this year.
Living Wage in the US: Shared Benefit For Workers, For Employers, For Communities, For US
November 16, 2022 – Join us in Boston to celebrate living wage week as we highlight the employers that are leading the way and invite you to learn about how you can achieve a living wage for your company or organization. We will announce the latest employers to achieve certification and explore the way forward. Hosted by Amalgamated Bank.
Featured speakers:
- Joelle Gamble, Chief Economist, US DOL
- Rick Wartzman, Head of KH Moon Center for a Functioning Society at Drucker Institute
- Irit Tamir, Director of Private Sector Department, Oxfam America
New Business Guidance on Living Wage
November 17, 2022 – A living wage is a key component to ensuring Decent Work. Further, it impacts a wide range of SDGs and provides concrete, measurable opportunities for progress on the often neglected social front. In partnership with UN Global Compact, we will explore the most common questions and challenges on how progress toward living wage payment can be incorporated in strategies to address the SDGs in ways that are beneficial to employers, workers, and communities. This webinar will leave companies with a firm understanding of the most impactful steps to take on living wage at home in the US as well as globally, and how to easily get started. We will also provide clear guidance on how to overcome common challenges and how addressing living wage can map directly to a variety of SDGs.
Advancing the Living Wage Movement: What’s My Role?
November 17, 2022 – Join us for a virtual event with the US Living Wage Network and Living Wage for US talking about how to advance the living wage movement during International Living Wage Week. This event is for consumers, employers, and anyone interested in helping to move forward living wages as a part of a more just and sustainable economy. The event will take place over zoom on Thursday, November 17th from 6-7pm EST and everyone is welcome to tune in.
ICCR: A Discussion with Living Wage for US
November 7, 2022 – Living Wage for US certifies U.S. employers that pay their workers and contractors a living wage based on real costs of living, using precise tools to account for how total remuneration helps secure a living wage for workers. They support employers in continual improvement to further strengthen the social tracking and data analysis of ESG. Join us to learn more about the methodology behind this work, the business case for a living wage, and how investors can advocate in support of a living wage.
Webinar: Respecting Human Rights Across Your Value Chain Through a Living Wage/Income
October 11, 2022 – Corporate Citizenship hosted a webinar on the importance of living wage as essential for business and why it should be embedded within any corporate human rights due diligence approach. We heard from industry and civil society stakeholders about the business case for living wage, where are there opportunities, and how can companies make meaningful change for their workers.
Webinar: Lead By Example Paying Your Own Workers a Living Wage
September 13, 2022 – Fair Labor Association and Living Wage For US partnered in this webinar on how total remuneration can be assessed against living wages in the U.S. Employers working on living wage issues globally and in their supply chains will learn how to lead by example, ensuring they understand and close gaps for their own workers to meet a living wage, thus creating a more powerful approach to ensuring the benefits of living wage payment. This free webinar is open to all businesses interested in tackling living wage in the U.S.
We Committed to Paying Our Staff More Than a Living Wage. Your Nonprofit Should Do the Same
By Minor Sinclair, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, July 13, 2022
Read MoreQuality Jobs: why they are good for business and can positively transform the lives of employees and their families
Jun 8, 2022 – Job quality is a key indicator of both employee well-being and business resiliency. As living wage awareness gains more traction, how do we define and measure Quality Jobs and living wages?

Despite Recent Pay Hikes, Many American Workers Are Still a Long Way From a Living Wage
By Rick Wartzman, Fast Company, April 25, 2022
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Olympia Coffee Earns Living Wage Certification for US Workers
By Nick Brown | April 6, 2022
Read MoreHow a ‘Living Wage’ Program Can Impact the Cleaning Industry
Feb 15, 2022 – Industry consultant and RFP expert Chris Arlen teams up with Michelle Murray from Living Wage for US in this episode of Straight Talk with Jeff Cross about the value of building contractors and cleaners submitting living wage bids.

Earnings rising faster for lower-wage workers
By Katie Johnston, The Boston Globe, December 9, 2021
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Are you being paid enough to live on? This new tool will tell you
By Rick Wartzman, Fast Company, November 16, 2021
‘For US,’ the tool of a new nonprofit, is designed to help businesses across the country determine if their salaries are actually living wages.
Read MoreThe Living Wage Places Campaign
Join the members of the Living Wage Network in partnership with For US in a celebration of global living wage week. In November we launched the new national For US living wage standard and certification system as well as a campaign to continue to grow living wage places. Discover how organizations work in collaboration to have a concentrated impact on wages in specific communities and how you fit into this important movement.

Are You Being Paid Enough to Live On? New Tool Aims to Answer That Question.
By Rick Wartzman, Capital and Main, November 15, 2021
For US is designed to help businesses across the country determine if they are providing a real living wage.
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